Weight Management
The level of energy (fat) storage that our brain calculates necessary for our survival is called the weight set point. This is like the thermostat that controls our temperature in our house and will be different for everyone.
Our subconscious brain (the hypothalamus) is responsible for calculating the weight that is best for us. This means that the equation ‘calories in vs calories out = energy stored’ is not down to your willpower, but a complex interplay of hormones, genetics and environment.
Your weight is not your fault
If you try and manipulate your weight below your set weight point by dieting you make things worse. Studies show that those who diet have a reduced metabolic rate (that remains compromised years after dieting) and a higher set weight point than before dieting. Therefore, the body will do everything it can to regain the weight that the subconscious mind wanted.
So what is the solution?
Learn to understand the messages your body is getting that makes it think it needs to store fat and create an environment that encourages your body to reset your set weight point. Nutrient deficiencies, poor quality food, calorie restriction and inflammatory fats can all encourage your set weight point to rise.
So are you are ready to ditch the diet?
Harriett’s approach will help you to discover health and wellness as a way of living, not something you do for a few weeks a month and then ‘stop’. Not only will you feel better and see the results you are looking for but you will address the behaviours and patterns that may hinder progress.
Harriett works with you to create a plan that involves real life recommendations to get you losing weight at a steady, consistent pace. She will make nutritional recommendations using real foods and teach you the principles of healthy eating so you can continue to have a long healthy love affair with food and have a happy, healthy body!
I would love to hear from you so please get in touch to book a complimentary appointment.